Η στοιχειωμένη λίμνηΟι άνθρωποι μιας μικρής πόλης ζουν ειρηνικά δίπλα σε μια λίμνη,ώσπου η εξαφάνιση ενός μικρού κοριτσιού σηματοδοτεί την έναρξη διαφόρων άσχημων γεγονότων,όπως την παρουσία νεκρών ψαριών στη λίμνη και την εμφάνιση ενός μυστηριώδους τέρατoς.Υπήρχε ένας θρύλος για ένα τέρας που φύλαγε μια πόλη στο βυθό της λίμνης.Τι μπορούν να κάνουν άραγε οι άνθρωποι, για να γλιτώσουν την πόλη τους από το κακό που την απειλεί; Διαβάστε...Read...Δημοτικό Σχολείο ΒελβεντούΤάξη ΣΤ1΄The haunted lake Once upon a time there was a town near a beautiful lake। There was a long bridge over the lake. People lived happily and peacefully. They swam and fished in their lake. But one day a child who played by the lake disappeared. People were upset and looked for her. They were divided in groups and searched. There was no sign from the girl. From that time on bad things started happening. People saw rubbish in the lake and dead fish. A fisherman ,who fished in his boat ,strangely disappeared. A few days later three friends Julia, Jack and Marina were playing on the beach. Suddenly,they saw a huge and ugly animal. They were scared and ran back to town. They said again and again that they met a monster but noone believed them. The next day a fisherman ,who was in his boat, saw a huge animal and told it to the villagers. They didn’t want to believe it but there was no other logical explanation. There was a MONSTER in the lake. The legend says that the lake was haunted . Many years ago there was no lake. A village was in its place. Unfortunatelly the villagers didn’t respect the environment. They cut the trees and threw rubbish in the lake. There was litter everywhere. There was heavy rain and the village flooded. The place became a lake Now in the bottom of the lake there are the ruins of the village. The legend says that there is also a monster guarding the village. The people decided to clean the lake and planted new trees. The monster disappeared and the girl came back to the village. And they lived happily ever after … in a clean lake.
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